Decentralization and Governance
Category : Empower Local Authorities
Building the modern state and achieving a breakthrough in development requires decentralization and governance. The government is working to implement the decentralization as stipulated in the constitution ,and to set the optimal framework for the management of state affairs and society.

Civic Engagement
Category : Empower Local Authorities
International and non-governmental organizations have worked for many years in development programs that cover various sectors including health, education, the environment ,and others. Despite the efforts and resources employed in these programs, development needs are increasing and there is still much to be done to achieve inclusive development.

Local Economic Development
Category : Empower Local Authorities
The Egyptian Governorates face many issues and differences on the developmental level of governorates. Such problems are: low living standards, high level of poverty, injustice in development returns’ distribution, in addition to developmental disparities among governorates, besides the high levels of unemployment, particularly among youth and villagers, lack of optimal and efficient use of local resources.

A better life for Egyptians
Category : Citizen Development
The Ministry of Local Development seeks to improve the elevating the living standards in the villages and governorates of Egypt, relieve the burden from the citizens by guaranteeing an improved quality of life.

Modern Administration
Category : Citizen Development
Building and developing a modern administration in the Egyptian governorates includes (leadership, management, organization, development, institutional development, information and work systems, policies and strategies).