Program description: The Egyptian Governorates face many issues and differences on the developmental level of governorates. Such problems are: low living standards, high level of poverty, injustice in development returns’ distribution, in addition to developmental disparities among governorates, inequality to get fruits of economic development, besides the high levels of unemployment, particularly among youth and villagers, lack of optimal and efficient use of local resources, not benefiting of distinctive competitive advantages of different governorates, difference of policies and contradictory procedures in the implementation of the local economic development program. Local economic development is the process that allocates efficiently and effectively the human, natural and financial resources in the local unit in favor of improving the standard of living of its population. This is translated through the achievement of effective participation, on the local level, of executives, public, local private sector and civil society organizations ; in order to eradicate poverty and create jobs within the local unit or the governorate.
Vision: Modern governorates with an economy based on industrial, mining, agricultural and tourism sectors, using its local resources and its competitive advantages ; in order become attractive to investment and capable to achieve a diversified economy that creates jobs and raises citizens’ standard of living.
- Achieving high economic growth rates and equitable distribution of development returns.
- Strengthening the competitive advantage of each governorate ; creating more jobs.
- Improving the income level of local citizens.
- Raising the productive efficiency.
- Improving the level of public services and locally mobilizing financial resources.
- Community participation in decision-making, needs’ identification and prioritization.
- Strengthening citizens’ role to participate in the development of their communities and the follow-up of projects’ implementation.
- Supporting entrepreneurship and micro, small and medium enterprises.
- Increasing the competitiveness of local communities at the national, regional and international levels.
- Strengthening the concept of sustainable rural and urban development.
- Forming a local economic development forum in each governorate.
- Composition of the local economic development team in each governorate.
- Assessment of problems, constraints, opportunities, threats and local economic potentials in each governorate.
- Preparation of a map for local resources and identification of the leading sectors in each governorate.
- Identification of the leading sectors that support the competitive advantage in each governorate and contribute to the improvement of the standard of living of citizens.
- Preparation of sectoral strategies for the local economic development of the leading sectors in each governorate.
- Preparation of the general strategy for local economic development for all governorates of the Republic (for each governorate).
- Identification of projects and interventions required for the leading sectors.
- Development of an executive program for the local economic development strategy in each governorate.
- Develop an integrated (detailed and operational) program for the leading sub-sectors emerging from the sectoral strategy in each center Markaz and governorate.
- Study of value chains at its various stages for sub-sectors and leading crafts to support comparative and competitive advantage in the governorate.
- Prepare a feasibility study for priority projects in each governorate, which supports the process of local economic development and the transformation of egyptian villages into producing villages, and contributes to the availability of more jobs in each governorate.
- Implementing priority local initiatives in each village, town, district, center Markaz and governorate.
- Preparation of a national strategy for local economic development at the national level.
Constitutional and legislative framework:
- Constitutional articles: from 27 to 32, 36, 37, 41, 46, 68, 78, 176, 177, 178, 180 and 236 .
- A new law for local administration supporting local economic development in each governorate.