Program Description: The Ministry of Local Development seeks to improve the elevating the living standards in the villages and governorates of Egypt, relieve the burden from the citizens by guaranteeing an improved quality of life. In that economic framework, the Ministry of Local Development is working on creating sustainable job opportunities and as well as creating investment in industry and services with a comparative advantage. Such industries and investments are directed according to achieve geographical targeting of development for all governorates and villages and self-sufficiency for their needs and export and launch to global competitiveness. Also on the social level the Ministry of Local Development seeks to improve health and educational services, and infrastructure with distinct quality with ease of access, and low cost. Finally, environmentally the ministry seeks to achieve a clean environment for a better life for current and future generations through effective and strong local management responsive to the needs of citizens.
Vision: A better life for all Egyptians ... minimal suffering and effort .. Ease and speed of services.
Program 1: Modern Services
- Map all services provided to citizens, arrange them according to their importance, and prepare a comprehensive directory.
- Work on standardizing and simplifying procedures for obtaining services.
- Improving the quality, cost and equality of services provided to citizens.
Program 2: Cleanliness and Waste Industry
- Establishment of a holding company for waste management with partner companies in the governorates.
- Preparing a framework for an integrated national waste management system.
- Developing a plan for cleanliness and waste management for the 27 governorates.
- Creating a value chain out of solid waste recycling projects.
- Developing and implementing a program for the upcycling of processing and of waste.