National project to provide employment opportunities for youth to eliminate unemployment
Project Description
The project is divided to
The first project: Providing loans for the implementation of micro, small and medium projects for young people to provide employment through the national project for local and community development.- Mashroak- is financed by Egyptian banks National Bank - Bank Misr - Cairo Bank - Housing and Development Bank - Agricultural Development and Credit Bank
Second Project: Providing loans for the implementation of micro-projects to provide employment opportunities for youth and women workers through the local development fund of the Ministry
The feasibility of the project
Provide job opportunities for youth to contribute to the elimination of unemployment and improve the standard of living
Summary of achievements
The first project: Providing loans through your project financed by Egyptian banks
On 26 March 2015, the project was initiated in coordination with the Egyptian banks, National Bank, Banque du Caire, Banque du Caire, Housing and Development Bank, Agricultural Development and Credit Bank
The project continues until 30 June 2030
The obstacles to implementation were overcome through the use of a one-stop shop to receive and respond to requests, to shorten the documents and documents required for the loan applicants, to facilitate the financing procedures and to simplify the decision-making process in the bank to issue the decision to approve or reject the financing in a short period of time. Awareness and training for young people, and the borrower's access to the loan within a week maximum of the submission of the required required papers, and covered all the provinces with the number of 282 sites covering all the administrative centers in the provinces and standardize the lending methodology of the five banks Mettle and personal supervision by the governor to overcome obstacles
Through the project, 77,401 jobs were provided with funding of LE 4,058,265 billion
Second Project: Providing loans for the implementation of micro-projects to provide employment opportunities for youth and women workers through the local development fund of the Ministry
Beginning in 1979, the project was initiated to provide soft loans from the Ministry of Local Development and continuing until 30 June 2030
The Local Development Fund (LDF) is provided through the provinces with the names of those wishing to obtain loans and projects to be lent. The study is carried out through the local development fund's technicians and submitted to the Fund's Loan Committee for approval. A contract is signed between the Ministry of Local Development as the first lender and the local unit, The local unit is to be repaid and the local unit is the first lender and the second party borrower. The beneficiary pays the loan installments to the local unit,
During the period from 1 July 2017 to date, 12 thousand jobs were provided with funding of LE 65.3 million
To learn more about the program and apply for a loan. Please visit Mashrouk’s official website by clicking here.

طلاء وجهات المباني
- في ضوء توجيهات السيد رئيس الجمهورية بضرورة الحفاظ على الشكل الحضاري والذوق العام لجميع المباني بكافة المحافظات فقد تم الآتـــي :
- بتاريخ 2019/1/17 صدر قرار مجلس المحافظين بجلسته رقم ( 3) بأن يتولى كل محافظ القيام بالآتــي :
- عدم إدخال أية مرافق لأية عمارات سكنية أو منشآت تكون واجهاتها من الطوب الأحمر وغير مكتملة التشطيب الخارجي ، وذلك لحين تشطيب الواجهات .
- إختيار مدينة (أو منطقة ) ليتم تشطيب واجهات جميع العمارات غير المشطبة فيها ، وذلك على حساب السكان وليس على حساب الدولة ، ووضع مدى زمني للتنفيذ يتراوح بين (6-8) شهور ليقوم السكان بالإنتهاء من تشطيب الواجهات من كل الجوانب ، وإن لم يتم هذا تقوم الإدارات المختصة بالمحافظة بقطع المرافق عن العمارات التي لم تشطب واجهاتهـــــا .
- حث السكان على التشطيب الجماعي للعمارات حتى تنخفض التكلفة .
- يكون دهان الواجهات بلون واحد للمنطقة كلها .
- يتولى السيد اللواء وزير التنمية المحلية متابعة التنفيذ والعرض على السيد الدكتور رئيس مجلس الوزراء .
وفي هذا الإطــــــار تم تكليف المحافظات بتنفيذ هذه التكليفات حيث أفادت المحافظات بالاتى :
تم تكليف رؤساء الوحدات المحلية بحصر المبانى الغير منتهية التشطيب
( المبنى القائمة ) والزام السكان بتشطيب واجهات هذه المبانى ( محارة + دهان ) وتم اختيار اللون البيج بدرجاته ومنحهم مهلة محددة وانه فى حالة عدم الالتزام سيتم قطع المرافق تدريجيا لحين الالتزام بتطبيق القرار .
بيان بعدد المباني التي تم طلائها:

تمويل قروض المشروعات متناهية الصغر من خلال صندوق التنمية المحلية
أ - وصف المشروع
- المشروع عبارة عن توفير قروض لتنفيذ مشروعات متناهية الصغر لتوفير فرص عمل للشباب والمرأة المعيلة من خلال صندوق التنمية المحلية التابع للوزارة .
ب - جدوى المشروع
توفير فرص عمل للشباب والمرأة المعيلة للمساهمة في القضاء على البطالة وتحسين مستوى المعيشة.
ج - ملخص الإنجازات المحققة
بداية من عام 1979 تم البدء في المشروع لتوفير قروض ميسرة من صندوق التنمية المحلية التابع للوزارة حيث يتم :.
- موافاة صندوق التنمية المحلية من خلال المحافظات بأسماء الراغبين في الحصول على قروض والمشروعات المطلوب إقراضها .
- الدراسة من خلال الفنيين بصندوق التنمية المحلية والعرض على لجنة القروض بالصندوق للموافقة .
- إجراء تعاقد بين صندوق التنمية المحلية ( طرف اول - مقرض) والوحدة المحلية ( طرف ثاني – مقترض ) للمشروعات التي تم الموافقة عليها .
- تقوم الوحدة المحلية بإعادة الإقراض للمنتفعين وتكون الوحدة المحلية ( طرف أول مقرض ) والمنتفع ( طرف ثاني – مقترض ) .
- يقوم المنتفع بسداد اقساط القرض للوحدة المحلية ومنها لصنجوق التنمية المحلية .
- خلال الفترة من 1/7/2014 حتى 30/4/2018 تم توفير عدد 12993 قرض لمشروعات متناهية الصغر بتمويل قدره 58,8 مليون جنيه .
المخطط خلال الفترة الرئاسية القادمة )من يوليو 2018 حتى يونيو 2022 (
- مستهدف خلال المرحلة القادمة إقراض مشروعات متناهية الصغر من صندوق التنمية المحلية التابع للوزارة لتوفير عدد (20 ) الف فرصة عمل بتكلفة قدرها ( 100 ) مليون جنيه .
المخطط تنفيذه خلال فترتي الرئيس
- مستهدف خلال فترتي الرئيس من يوليو 2014 حتى يونيو 2022 تمويل مشروعات متناهية الصغر من صندوق التنمية المحلية التابع للوزارة لتوفير عدد (33) الف فرصة عمل بتكلفة قدرها ( 160 ) مليون جنيه .

Preparation of detailed urban plans and signing of urban areas to prevent the emergence of new random areas and monitoring violations on agricultural land
Project Description
The project is divided into
The first project: Preparing detailed plans for villages and cities whose strategic plans have been completed with the aim of settling public services, providing adequate housing, improving living opportunities, encouraging real estate investment for the citizens of villages and cities in governorates, and reducing the migration of rural citizens to cities.
The second project: Determination of the external boundaries of the urban area of each city / village / Ezbet ground constants are monitored on the geodesic network of the Republic to facilitate the specialists in the provinces in identifying and monitoring infringements on agricultural lands
The feasibility of the project
To prevent the emergence of new random areas in villages and cities, to settle public services, to provide adequate housing, to improve living opportunities, to encourage real estate investment for the citizens of villages and cities in the governorates, and to reduce the migration of rural citizens to cities.
Facilitate the competent authorities in the governorates in identifying and monitoring infringements on agricultural land in each governorate
Summary of achievements
With regard to the draft detailed plans
The project began on 16 March 2014 through a contract between the Ministry of Local Development and the Armed Forces Engineering Authority. The detailed plans for 600 villages and 10 cities
Through the provinces, we numbered 1400 villages in addition to 16 cities
The total cost of the project is 150 million pounds over 6 financial years starting from fiscal year 2013/2014 and ending in 2018/2019
LE 40 million has been made available through the Ministry of Local Development to the Armed Forces Engineering Authority to begin implementation of the project and the remaining payments are being made available
The project continues until 30 June 2019
With regard to the second project: determining the external boundaries of the urban space
On 6 October 2013, a protocol was signed with the Egyptian General Authority for Surveying for the implementation of the required works for 223 cities, 25083 Ezbet and Naga. The work carried out by the relevant local units (cities / villages) will be delivered so that their work can be facilitated in identifying and monitoring infringements of agricultural land
The total cost of the project is 200 million pounds over 6 financial years starting from fiscal year 2013/2014 and ending in 2018/2019
A total of LE 90.4 million was made available through the Ministry of Local Development to the Egyptian General Survey Authority to start the implementation of the project and the remaining payments are being made available
The project continues until 30 June 2019
To learn more about the program or to request land registration please visit the land infringement site here.

preparation of local leaderships Project
First: the general framework
Leaders are development, management and governance. Outstanding leadership is the cornerstone of ensuring rapid development, modern management and good governance. And the long-awaited challenge to meet it, is it possible to achieve a qualitative transfer in the local leadership? Can corruption be eliminated? Is it possible to highlight distinguished and loyal?
- Local leaders:
Local leaders include:
A) The Governors shall issue a decision to appoint them as President of the Republic.
B) Leadership functions
Are the following three levels of the Competent Authority with functional levels in grades (excellent, high, general manager), including those who lead central departments, departments and public administration.
- Secretary General
Assistant Secretary General
Heads of Centers
- Heads of cities
- Heads of neighborhoods
C) Supervisory management functions
Jobs include the following level of leadership positions include
- Heads of village units.
- Engineering Management .
- Urban Planning.
- Planning and Follow-up.
- Legal Affairs .
- Citizen Services and Complaints.
- information management .
- Development Management.
- financial affairs .
- Leadership development
The total number of leaders in October 2017 is 5757
Of which 372 are supervisory positions
- Supreme Council of Leadership
The Minister of Local Development issued a decree to form the Supreme Council of Leaders No. (494) for the year 2017, Annex 3, which is a consultative council for the Minister of Local Development, which contributes to the proposal of visions, policies, strategies and initiatives.
- Human development and leadership
It is composed of ministers, governors, specialists with expertise and competence. The functions of the Supreme Council of Leaders include:
First: Terms of reference of the Supreme Council of Leaders
Submission of proposals on the following topics:
preparing of leaders and skills development.
Recent international experiences in the preparation of local leaders and cadres.
Improved leadership and management performance.
Means of selection for the Committee of Leading Functions and Supervisory Administration.
Training programs and development strategy.
Human Development Plan.
Method and criteria for evaluating the performance of leadership functions and supervisory management.
Plans to develop the capacities of young people in the field of local development in the governorates.
Second: The functions of the Supreme Council of Leaders
To give an opinion on the following topics:
Vision in the selection, preparation, qualification and development of leadership.
Required attributes of leadership.
Selection criteria and quality.
Policies required to develop the skills of local leaders.
Strategies for:
- Upgrading existing local leadership.
- Attracting outstanding leaders to work in local municipalities.
- Attract young people qualified to work in local development
- How to reach the level of local leaders to the best international standards.
- Ways to eliminate corruption.
- Selection and testing of new leaders
Test capabilities and personality traits.
Psychological tests at the Center for Human Development and Behavioral Sciences of the Armed Forces.
Written tests.
Survey of SAIs.
Oral tests.
theoretical training programs.
Training programs in the governorates.
Meetings with the Standing Committee of Leaders.
Adoption of the final result.