Program Description :International and non-governmental organizations have worked for many years in development programs that cover various sectors including health, education, the environment ,and others. Despite the efforts and resources employed in these programs, development needs are increasing and there is still much to be done to achieve inclusive development. This reality requires that we start implementing a community partnership program ,that would integrate international and local resources to serve the integrated development process . This in turn will be achieved within the framework of a unified and common strategic vision among all parties involved in the development process.
Vision: Development partners collaborating together to raise the level of development of the society in a transparent manner , to distribute work, and to identify responsibilities.
- Strengthening cooperation and partnership with the private sector for developmentز
- Support consultation and networking with international and local organizations , whom are active in the field of civil work and community development.
- Provide channels for consultation with citizens ,and involve them in the planning and implementation of programs and projects that affect their lives and priorities.
- Develop an integrated strategy for partnership with the different stakeholders in the development process, in order to ensure the complementarity and synergy of the development efforts.
- Prepare a map of the different actors (international and local) classified according to the different areas of development in which they operate.
- Develop the "Partnership for Development" strategy on the national level with the participation of the various stakeholders (government, the private sector, international institutions, national and local civil society organizations).
- Prepare a conference on corporate social responsibility ,and provide an operational framework for the role of the private sector in achieving the “partnership for development” strategy.
- Developing a guide and a set of communication tools between the citizen and the government . And provide training for the employees of the ministries and the governorates on how to utilize them.
- A national conference to present the strategic plans for development to partners and , and to distribute the roles and responsibilities to finance and implement projects and programs for provincial strategies.
Constitutional and legislative framework:
- Constitutional articles: 36, 37, 75, 76, 77 and 236