Program Description: Egypt envisions accelerated economic and social development as a strategic objective, based on which a qualitative shift in the local development of each village and city can take place. The respective roadmap is designed to promote acceleration of economic growth, consolidation of social justice, social empowerment, especially of the poor, youth and women, and the building of the knowledge society. The outputs of the program are 27 operational plans to accelerate development in the governorates and regions, integrated with the sectoral state plans, to maximize their competitive advantage, targeting export surplus in each governorate, and increasing returns on the balance of payments.
- The Ministry of Local Development, in cooperation and coordination with the Ministry of Planning and the support of the governorates to develop and implement strategic development plans for themselves to accelerate the process of local development in terms of social and economic and which seek to encourage the provinces to determine the "competitive advantage" Wide participation is formed on the impact of the development agenda and adopt the preparation of the plan to accelerate development methodology of decentralization in the planning from the bottom to the top, within the framework of the strategic plan of the state.
- The strategic planning process is the agreed guide and reference for the development decisions of services and investments and the adoption and implementation of the proposed projects, which regulates the relationship between the local administration and the central government in terms of clarity of obligations and roles in the short, medium and long term.
- Prepare a roadmap and plans to accelerate the economic and social development of 27 governorates through:
- Integrated and practical development plans that lay emphasis on the comparative advantage of each governorate.
- Strengthen effective participation and local bottom-up planning and mobilization of central and local resources.
- Achieving local development in its comprehensive and integrated manner.
- Clarity and consistency of local development vision.
- Implementation of national development strategies.
- Linking different levels of development planning.
- Support regional planning between governorates.
- Facilitate programs development for each governorate.
- Improving the performance of local management and governance.
- Transforming the current importing and consumer society into a productive, self-sufficient and exporting society.
- Fostering coordination and collaborations between the government, business sectors, civil society and local communities in planning and implementing for accelerating development.
- Approval and dissemination of programs to accelerate the development of the Ministers Council, the cabinet and the President.
- Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation progress for each governorate.
- Initiating a national strategy to accelerate the social and economic development of each governorate.
- Developing a national strategy and plan to accelerate overall economic and social development:
- ➢ Until 2020
- ➢ Until 2025
- ➢ Until 2030
- ➢ and prospects until 2050.
- Allocate the mechanisms for implementing the plans to accelerate development in coordination with the relevant ministries and develop the necessary legislative and institutional framework
- Ministerial Committee and "Technical Secretariat" to accelerate development (operations room).
- Preparation of programs for the leading economic sectors and feasibility studies in each governorate.
- Sectoral distribution of ministerial projects and strategies to respective Ministries or authorities.
- Preparation of a national strategy and an integrated program for participatory rural development.
- Coordinating between the economic and social development plans prepared by the Ministry of Planning, Monitoring and Administrative Reform, and the general strategic plan (27 governorates) by the General Authority for Urban Planning in the Ministry of Housing, Utilities and Urban Development, the sectoral plans of the ministries and the development plans and projects financed by donors, Grants with accelerated development plans for each province.
Legislative and Constitutional framework:
- Constitutional articles: 27, 28, 32 and 236.
- The new local administration law (supporting the process of accelerating development).
- Supporting application of decentralization.
- Decision of the Board of Governors No. (7/02/17/4) dated 28 February 2017 on the acceleration of development in the Egyptian governorates.
- Decisions to form consultative councils in each governorate including all actors at the local level (executive body, universities, advisory institutes and civil society).
- The formation of the Local Financial Resources Development Committee headed by the Minister of Local Development.