With the participation of the heads of accounting, statistics and earnings and a representative of the supervision.
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
El-Sherif and 3 ministers will open the day after tomorrow a conference on local governance between governance and combating corruption.
The Ministry of Local Development will organize the first....

Cairo University and Ministry of Local Development Cooperate to Carry out Developmental Programs in Governorates
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Cairo University President Gaber Nassar receives, at his office, the Minister of Local Development Hisham El-Sherif. The Minister and Cairo University President discuss means of cooperation between....

New minister of Local Development visits Virgin Mary monastery in Assiut
Monday, February 20, 2017
Dr. Hisham El Sherif, Minister of Local Development, visited on Sunday, Virgin Mary monastery, headed by AnbaYoannisBishop of the Diocese located in Dronka village inAssiut to follow up the work, He....